The Mint Julip
One of the ladies at my church volunteer meeting the other day offhandedly made the comment, "Mint Julip season starts this weekend." Ahh. And I had to smile.
What makes this comment even better was that it was from a very proper, older Southern woman (80s???). While my life has certainly passed too quickly as it is, I must admit I look forward to my retirement days when I can sit on my porch in my rocking chair sipping Mint Julips.
So, in the spirit of Mint Julips and Southern Summer Porches, here are some pictures of great potential sipping spots- of course, with a recipe courtesy of Pittypat's Porch via Girly Drinks.

Southern Accents

Southern Accents

Southern Accents

Southern Accents

Southern Accents
3 oz. of Bourbon Whiskey
1/2 oz. of Mint Juilip Mixture (simple syrup-melt sugar 1 cup sugar in 1/2 cup of water
Crush mint and mix with sugar mixture )
Serve over crushed ice