Chapel, east of Montgomery, Alabama via Garden and Gun
As I head back to Alabama for work this week, I reflect on "Alabaman" or Southern Style. What the heck does it mean? And what are the great modern-day examples? Southern is not limited to Greek or Classical Revival but rather-I think- encompasses a wide range of European influences. There's one architecture firm in Alabama that truly evokes Southern grace- though it's not what first springs to my mind when I think Southern. McAlpine Tankersly (and McAlpine Booth & Ferrier Interiors). Honestly, my heart nearly stops- or maybe that's because it's beating so fast- when I look at their work.
As many of you already "in the know" errr know, McAlpine Tankersley is an architecture firm based in Montgomery, Alabama. There is also McAlpine Booth & Ferrier Interiors, with offices in Atlanta and Nashville. While the firms are separate entities, apparently they do collaborate a good bit. Their work has been featured in just about every major design publication. Selecting a few favorite homes was nearly impossible, but I'm going to try.
First, a Birmingham, Alabama home. I believe this is all the same house. I found this on the Interiors website but couldn't help but notice all the architectural details here. Almost over the top... and I love it!
Every single ceiling seemed to have some sort of architectural detail- crown molding (dentil work?), beams, archways). And while a lot of the materials appear to be stone, the dark wood floors and lush upholstery doesn't leave you feeling cold.
Another amazing space in Montgomery, AL. I'm wondering if this is a private home or public space. Anyone know?
Another amazing space in Montgomery, AL. I'm wondering if this is a private home or public space. Anyone know?

Again, lots of neutral tones, sumptuous fabrics, and dark wood. And fabulous light fixtures.
And heading over to Rosemary Beach, FL. This seems somehow more "achieveable" to an everyday person.

A little more color than the two previous versions with chocolate brown and hints of green, but still a lot of neutrals. But never bland! I could just move right in here.
And I'll end with one of my faves- though it's already been featured in three magazines. Unfortunately, much of the photos seem to be of the same few rooms and being the nosy girl I am, I want to see more!!

from British House and Garden Jan 2003

Home Style Feb 2002

have a warm day!